SEAL Team uses throughout the seasons real steel, battle proven kit and equipment being used in multiple environments. The unique ability to allow each operator within Bravo to personalise their equipment based on role, preference, comfort and usability is akin to real life personnel. This advantage of no one set of kit applying to all in the team ensures that viewers are given an insight into a huge number of manufacturers and brands available for purchase. My previous blog 'Behind the kit - 2nd Line Gear - Season 1' covered as suggested Season 1, packed with a huge wealth of knowledge and details for each of Bravo and their loadouts through the season, as does this blog.
As previously mentioned, rather than adding every single episode and breaking it down, my preference was to provide you the reader with a section per operator per set of 2nd Line Gear. For example if 2B9 Ray PERRY wears a Crye AVS and throughout the seasons changes his pouches configuration, I have noted all of them under one section for ease.
The kit and equipment predominantly hails from real steel manufacturers throughout Season 2 and the research has taken me a long time. This is yet another blog that doesn't exist anywhere else giving you the detail and links to recreate a 2nd Line Gear setup based upon one or a mix of Bravos' operators. As with all of my other blogs, an inordinate amount of HD images, low res images, trailers, videos and episodes were pored over, watched and re-watched to bring you this full write up. No easy feat...
Equipment manufacturers
Bravo as mentioned generally use well known real steel manufacturers across all of their kit. In relation to 2nd Line Gear plate carriers, rigs, pouches and ancillaries, the following are the main manufacturers of note;

Jason HAYES (1B9)
HAYES continues to vary his 2nd Line Gear and as Team Lead he focuses predominantly on ammunition and technical equipment carriage. In each mission and environment he is deployed to he adapts his kit and utilises specific sets of 2nd Line Gear to suit mission requirements.
Loadout 1 - Maritime Environment
Season 2 Episode 1 initiates with a hostage rescue training exercise with Bravo inserting via HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) into the ocean. From here Bravo stormed the beach, assaulted the village and rescued the VIP. With a starting point of the ocean, Bravo and the team utilised maritime kit and equipment. HAYES begins the episode wearing the traditional maritime environment gear associated with Bravo from Season 1, the S&S Precision PlateFrame and assorted ancillaries. Low drag gear with good water drainage and lightweight / low ammunition carriage designed for combat rescue and engagement.
S&S Precision PlateFrame - Multicam
Ballistic plates - Multicam
S&S Precision Gear Retention Track SMR 556 PlateFrame Kit - Coyote Tan
LHS & RHS - S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
LHS - CAT Tourniquet
LHS - S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Ranger Green
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
HAYES' utilises his favoured Crye Precision AVS during the second part of Episode 1 when he leads the team, infiltrating an oil platform taken over by hostiles. Traditional ammunition carriage and pouches are used as previously seen in Season 1. Reliable, proven gear again takes centre stage.
Crye Precision AVS (Adaptive Vest System) Old Gen - AOR1 / Desert Digital
Triple 5.56 Magazine Pouch - AOR1 / Desert Digital
Crye Precision 1" Webbing strap - Multicam
Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam Arid
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Coyote Brown
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Loadout 3 - Standard Operating Environment - Mexico
When Bravo are deployed to Mexico to aid 'Infanteria De Marina', Bravo adopt the local 2nd Line Gear and uniform to blend in with the local forces so as to no alert non combatants to US involvement. HAYES in this role utilises the Mayflower Research and Consulting APC as a base and has a variety of pouches used in both the urban and jungle environment.
Mayflower Research and Consulting APC (Assault Plate Carrier) Gen2 (integrated mag pouch) - Black
Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam Black
LHS - Helium Whisper MBITR/152 Radio Pouch - Black
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
LHS - Cyalume
Loadout 4 - Low Profile v1 (Standard)
Still based in Mexico (and later further afield), HAYES adopts the Low Profile gear as used throughout Season 1 with the reliable Spiritus System Mk4 Micro Rig. The kit is especially useful when operating in and around vehicles and the urban environment.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 5 - Standard Operating Environment
HAYES later utilises the newer Velocity Systems Scarab LT when operating alongside the British SAS (Special Air Service). Favouring the traditional AOR1 / Desert Digital pattern and ammunition and general purpose pouches, HAYES ensures that he carries enough of what's needed for the mission.
Velocity Systems Scarab LT (integrated mag pouch) - Desert Digital
Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - AOR1 / Desert Digital
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Coyote Brown
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - Spiritus System (similar to) Medium Pouch (Old Gen) - AOR1 / Desert Digital
Velocity Systems Helium Whisper Assault Back Panel Type 1 - Desert Digital
Loadout 6 - Low Profile v2 (Recce)
When tasked with conducting a close recce of an HVT, those in Bravo and HAYES further adopt a low profile setup carrying minimum ammunition and ensuring that they remain light on their feet and not bogged down with kit and equipment if a firefight arose. Another instance of Spiritus Systems featuring with battle proven gear.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Multicam
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Multicam
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam
Loadout 7 - Jungle Environment
Deployed to the Philippines and on task to recover downed Chinese tech, lightweight and non-restrictive 2nd Line Gear was used in the form of the Mayflower UW Gen V chest rig.
Mayflower UW GEN V Split-Front Chest Rig - Multicam Tropic
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Ray PERRY (2B9)
Ray as was the case in Season 1 rarely changes from his traditional Crye Precision AVS but was seen through Season 2 adopting multiple low profile rigs based upon mission needs and weapons carried.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
PERRY settles into Season 2 aiding Bravo in building clearances and alley way dogfighting wearing his favoured Crye Precision AVS and whilst the pouch placement does change and equipment comes and goes, the base remains consistent.
Crye Precision AVS (Adaptive Vest System) - Ranger Green - Ranger Green
Crye Precision AVS Detachable Flap M4 (Triple Mag Pouch) - Ranger Green
EMT Trauma Shears - Black
Crye Precision 1" Webbing strap - Ranger Green LHS shoulder - Garmin Foretrex 401
LHS & RHS - CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Ranger Green
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 5.56 / 7.62 / MBITR pouch - Multicam
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Ranger Green
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on Panel 2.0 - Ranger Green
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment - Mexico
Following suit with Bravo, PERRY adopts the local 2nd Line Gear in Mexico, wearing the Mayflower Research and Consulting APC (Old Gen). Like the others in Bravo, pouches were kept to a minimum as was ammunition carriage.
LHS - Helium Whisper MBITR/152 Radio Pouch - Black
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Loadout 3 - Low Profile - Undercover
When Bravo attacked the drugs manufacturing plant, PERRY used the First Spear JOKER as a part of his low profile kit.
2x Mag pouches - unknown
Loadout 4 - Low Profile v1 (Standard)
PERRY continues to follow suit with Bravo wearing the favoured Spiritus System Mk4 Micro Rig whilst based in Mexico and further afield with lightweight gear and minimal mission requirements.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 5 - Low Profile v2 (Recce)
The recce and kill mission had PERRY working with the Spiritus Systems for it's lightweight and durable factors. Interestingly PERRY had the submachine gun inserts for use with his MP7 magazines which none of the others in Bravo used.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam
Loadout 6 - Jungle Environment
When deployed to the jungles of the Philippines, PERRY utilises the favoured Spiritus Systems Mk4 Micro Rig.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam Tropic
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Multicam Tropic
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam Tropic
Sonny QUINN (3B9)
QUINN generally carries the FN Mk 46 Mod I / FN Mk 48 Mod I, however in Season 2 is more typically seen carrying his HK416 therefore altering his base requirements for his 2nd Line Gear with lightweight magazine carriage rather than heavy box mag based pouches.
Loadout 1 - Maritime Environment
QUINN starts Season 2 taking part in the hostage rescue training exercise and dons the S&S Precision PlateFrame with near identical ancillaries as used in Season 1.
S&S Precision PlateFrame - Multicam
Ballistic Plates - Multicam
S&S Precision Gear Retention Track SMR 556 PlateFrame Kit - Coyote Tan
CAT Tourniquet
LHS & RHS - S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
LHS - S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Coyote Brown
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
When QUINN deploys to retake the oil platform, he utilises the HK416 thereby removing the requirement for the SAW pouches and therefore ensuring that his Crye Precision CPC 2nd Line Gear is minimal and lightweight.
Crye Precision CPC (CAGE Plate Carrier) - Multicam
2x MOLLE SAW Ammunition Pouch 5.56mm 100rd NSN 8465-01-532-2397 - Coyote Brown
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 (Medic) - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Multicam
LHS - (Integrated pouch in cummerbund) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
LHS - CAT Tourniquet
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on Panel 2.0 - Multicam
Heavy duty bolt cutters
Loadout 3 - Standard Operating Environment - Mexico
Working alongside 'Infanteria De Marina' QUINN wears the Mayflower Research and Consulting APC (Old Gen) with minimal pouches.
LHS - Helium Whisper MBITR/152 Radio Pouch - Black
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Loadout 4 - Low Profile v1 (Standard)
QUINN continues to follow suit with Bravo wearing the favoured Spiritus System Mk4 Micro Rig whilst based in Mexico and further afield.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 5 - Standard Operating Environment
When QUINN is a part of the assaulting team on the tarmac alongside the SAS, he adopts the Crye Precision JPC 2.0 with only a radio pouch strapped to the 2nd Line Gear.
Crye Precision JPC2.0 - Multicam
CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Ranger Green
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Loadout 6 - Low Profile v2 (Recce)
Whilst based at the overwatch position and in keeping with the rest of Bravo running light, QUINN uses the Spiritus System Mk4 Micro Rig in the old gen M81 Woodland pattern.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
CAT Tourniquet
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Ranger Green
Loadout 7 - Jungle Environment
When deployed to the jungles of the Philippines, QUINN utilises the favoured Spiritus Systems Mk4 Micro Rig and deploys with his HK416.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam Tropic
CAT Tourniquet
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Multicam Tropic
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Ranger Green
Trent SAWYER (4B9)
SAWYER with real military experience utilises a range of 2nd Line Gear, varying pouch placements and unique pouches / ancillaries that experience has taught him to include. Generally as a left hander, traditional LHS pouches can be found on his RHS.
Loadout 1 - Maritime Environment
SAWYER when taking part in the hostage rescue training exercise with Bravo utilises the teams standard operational maritime kit and equipment. SAWYER uses the S&S Precision PlateFrame and assorted ancillaries.
S&S Precision PlateFrame - Toadvine
Ballistic Plates - Toadvine
CAT Tourniquet
LHS & RHS - S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
RHS - S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Coyote Brown
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
S&S Precision Old Gen Hydration Pouch Plate Frame - Coyote Brown
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
SAWYER when infiltrating onto the oil platform wears his favoured Crye Precision CPC as seen in Season 1 with minimal pouch changes. Magazine and general purpose pouches ensure that he is able to carry enough into the fight.
Crye Precision CPC (CAGE Plate Carrier) - Multicam
Blue Force Gear Helium Whisper Admin Pouch - Multicam
LHS - CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 - Multicam
RHS - Crye Precision Smoke Grenade Pouch N-7 (Old Gen) - Multicam
Tactical Bolt Cutter Pouch - Multicam
LBT 6133A Radio Pouch - Coyote Brown
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Loadout 3 - Standard Operating Environment - Mexico
Working alongside 'Infanteria De Marina' SAWYER wears the Mayflower Research and Consulting APC with pouches suited to his role as breacher.
Mayflower Research and Consulting APC (Assault Plate Carrier) Gen2 (integrated mag pouch) - Black
Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam Black
LHS - Helium Whisper MBITR/152 Radio Pouch - Black
LHS - CAT Tourniquet
RHS - Smoke grenade pouch - Black
RHS - Helium Whisper MBITR/152 Radio Pouch - Black
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Loadout 4 - Low Profile - Undercover
When Bravo attacked the drugs manufacturing plant, the team wanted to create confusion and imitate a rival faction invading and destroying the plant. Bravo removed all US and Mexican military equipment and use low profile rigs / equipment to complete the mission. SAWYER utilises the Condor Ronin Chest Rig. The 3rd image below was taken on set and appears to show SAWYER at some point wearing a 5.11 VTAC LBE Tactical Vest (Old Gen).
Condor Ronin Chest Rig MCR7 - Coyote
LHS & RHS - Condor Double M4 Mag Pouch - Coyote
Loadout 5 - Low Profile v1 (Standard)
SAWYER maintains a lightweight approach to low profile work utilising the Spiritus System Mk4 Micro Rig.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
RHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 6 - Low Profile v2 (Recce)
The recce mission saw SAWYER don again another old school variant of the Spiritus Systems Mk4 Micro Rig in M81 woodland.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
RHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam
Loadout 7 - Jungle Environment
Whilst operating in the jungle environment, SAWYER adopts the Velocity Systems UW Chest Rig in Multicam. Fight light, fight easy.
Velocity Systems UW Chest Rig Gen IV - Multicam
CAT Tourniquet
Loadout 8 - Standard Operating Environment
Season 2 sees SAWYER utilising a new S&S Precision PlateFrame Modular kit with an assortment of pouches and ancillaries. A new base of 2nd Line Gear, new to the field and new for the show, again showcasing real steel manufactured gear.